The magazine for both beginner and advanced crochet. Every edition is filled with crochet patterns for projects for your home, to wear or for gifts. The patterns are explained step-by-step, often accompanied by illustrative photos. In addition to the crochet patterns, Fun Crochet Magazine features stories, news and inspiration.
Fun Crochet Magazine
Animal party
LET'S GET STARTED • Crochet is super fun! But how do you actually make all these wonderful creations? We’ve listed all the basics and techniques just for you, so you can get started right away. Before you know it, you’ll be hooked...
NOT A GRAY MOUSE • Mice are gray … but that’s not always the case because these cuties just love color! Go for pink or just choose a different color.
GREEN crocodile • A real crocodile can be dangerous and you definitely don't want to encounter one, but this one is crocheted and a nice and cool friend!
Cuddly kitty Lizzy • Lizzy is a kitty that just loves cuddles. She is super happy with the beautiful pink dress she got to wear today. Crochet multiple ones in different kinds of colors!
POLISH CHICKEN ANNIE and her offspring • Annie is a real Polish chicken and she's very proud of her offspring. Chicks Penny and Jacob follow her around everywhere and together they are a lovely family that you wil crochet using single crochets.
Pair of squids • Bring the sea into your home! This cute pair of squids will bring happiness into your living room or bedroom.